Hill Climb Racing Garage

Hill Climb Racing Garage Mode

If you are looking for Hill Climb Racing Garage Mode information, you are at the very right place. Here in this article, you will find all the information about Garage Mode like what parts are upgradable and what rarity they have.

You will get to know everything about Tires, Engines and Chassis. Also you can check out Hill Climb Racing Best Cars for each map.

Hill Climb Racing Garage

Basically, the Garage is an extra feature in Hill Climb Racing where you can upgrade your cars and also can build custom cars. Garage costs only 300 gems to unlock.

You can upgrade your engine from Inline 4 engine to V8 TT Engine. Also you can choose different body frames (chassis) of every single vehicle in the game. Not just this, Tires are also of different types according to the stage.

The Hill Climber is the general body which can be totally customizable. Basically, it is the basic body for a custom car. You can find Hill Climber basic body in gift chests as its rarity is very common.

The first car is for free once you unlock the Hill Climb Racing Garage. But if you want to create more custom cars, you need 1 million coins for your second custom car. In this scenario, the demand for coins will increase every time you create a new custom car.

Initially, the name of the chassis in the name of your car. But this can be changed for free.


In this section, we will discuss every type of tire along with its rarity.

Gravel Tires

It is the most basic tire in the game. It ensures you to provide 30% more traction on gravel surfaces.

Street Tires

This tire provides you 30% more traction on street surfaces. It is more efficient on Highway. This tire is very smooth performing with a purple hub.

Winter Tires

This tire is best for snowy and icy surfaces and provides you 30% more traction. This tire has some treads and is best for the Arctic stage.

Mud Tires

Mud tires will provide you 60% more traction on muddy and lush surfaces like Countryside.

Tractor Tires

The size of this tractor tire is 40% more than other tires. These tires are eligible to provide more traction on muddy surfaces.

Space Tires

These tires will provide 60% more traction on space levels like the Mars or Moon.

Monster Tires

Monster tires have 50% greater size than other tires. These tires are good for uneven surfaces. Don’t use these tires on water containing surfaces as they work terrible on them.

Formula Tires

These tires are similar to Street tires but they are eligible to provide 80% more traction on everything. These tires are best for smooth surfaces like the Highway.


In this section, we will discuss every type of engine with its rarity.

Inline 4 and 6

The Inline 4 is a basic common engine in the game. It consumes 20% less fuel which is not a good efficiency.

The Inline 6 is the upgraded version of Inline 4. This engine offers you 30% more power but with a bit more fuel usage. It is more efficient than Inline 4.

Diesel 4, 6 and V8 TT

Diesel 4 engine uses diesel to give your car power. It consumes 50% less fuel. Means that it gives you the best efficiency.

Diesel 6 engine in the upgraded version of Diesel 4 engine. You will get 40% more torque and some more power. This engine is mostly used in Monster Truck as it consumes slightly more fuel.

Diesel V8 TT engine is a twin turbo V8 engine that also uses diesel to run. It provides you with 40% more power. This engine consumes only slightly more fuel than Diesel 6 and Diesel 4.

V6, V8 and V12

The V6 engine is a six piston engine and provides you 40% more power.

The V8 engine is an eight piston engine and provides you with 60% more power. This engine is used in Super Offroad due to its immense power.

The V12 engine is a twelve piston engine providing you with 80% more power. But this engine has poor fuel consumption.

Electric and Electric Zap

The Electric engine is a battery powered engine and is eligible to provide you 20% more acceleration. It is a highly efficient engine.

The Electric Zap engine is the upgraded version of the Electric engine. It provides you 40% more acceleration. It is also more efficient as it consumes less battery than the previous engine.

Gas Turbine

The Gas Turbine is a thrust engine with 40% more power but with a very poor fuel efficiency.

Vehicle Chassis

In this section you will learn about Vehicle Chassis and all about their rarity, description, appearance and effect. Below are the details.

Hill Climber Chassis

Rarity: Common

Description: “Custom Hill Climber Chassis of Bill’s. Good for all around the car.”

Appearance: It is a blue Hill Climber chassis but without any antenna or signal catcher.

Effect: AWD Upgrade

Rally Car Chassis

Rarity: Rare

Description: “Lightweight Rally Car Chassis.”

Appearance: A purple colored Rally Car Chassis.

Effect: Light 4WD

Monster Truck Chassis

Rarity: Rare

Description: “Monster Truck Chassis. It is good at all for air time tricks.”

Appearance: A pink colored and old Monster Truck Chassis

Effect: 4WD Monstrous

Race Car Chassis

Rarity: Epic

Description: “2WD racer chassis which is ultra fast with adjustable downforce.”

Appearance: A pale blue and old Race Car Chassis

Effect: 2WD Racer Chassis

Big Monster Chassis

Rarity: Legendary

Description: “Big Monster Chassis. A real off-road monster is here”

Appearance: A green colored Big Finger Chassis. It is without any decals and roll cage.

Effect: 4WD Monstrous


Here in this article, we have discussed everything like Tires, Engines and Chassis. Hopefully this guide will help you to choose the best thing to upgrade and use. In case you have any query left related to Hill Climb Racing Garage Mode, you can leave a comment.

Also you can download Hill Climb Racing Mod Apk, if you want to play with unlimited money and free shopping.

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